bosses and their weaknesses
Cleric Beast
3015 HP-Beast
50 Fire
103 Physical, 103 Thrust, 103 Blood,
123 Blunt, 165 Arcane, 165 Bolt, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Father Cascoigne
2031 HP-human
65 Fire,
80 Arcane, 95 Physical, 95 Blunt, 95 Thrust, 95 Blood,
120 Bolt, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Father Cascoigne Beast form
Father Cascoigne Beast form is located at
the end of Central Yharnam
after either getting Father Cascoigne to 50% HP or using the Music Box 3 times
2031 HP-Beast
50 Fire,
120 Bolt, 126 Physical, 126 Blunt, 126 Thrust, 126 Blood,
160 Arcane, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Blood-starved Beast
3470 HP-Beast
55 Fire,
108 Physical, 108 Blunt, 108 Thrust, 108 Blood,
160 Arcane, 160 Bolt, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Witch of Hemwick
Witch, or rather Witches of Hemwick are located in
Hemwick Charnel Lane
behind the giant gate shortcut
2611 HP (each)
70 Arcane,
73 Bolt, 79 Physical, 79 Blunt, 79 Thrust, 79 Blood,
180 Rapid Poison, 200 Slow Poison
Darkbeast Paarl
Darkbeast Paarl is located in
Old Yharnam (2)
but to access it you have to go to
Yahar'Gul Unseen Village (1)
at the entrance to Old Yharnam
4552 HP-Beast
75 Arcane,
85 Fire,
120 Physical, 120 Thrust, 120 Blood, 144 Blunt, 300 Bolt, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Vicar Amelia
5367 HP-beast
55 Fire,
113 Physical, 113 Thrust, 113 Blood, 135 Blunt,
160 Arcane, 160 Bolt, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
(quick note, when Amelia gets to 50% HP or lower she gains the ability to heal, use Numbling Mist to prevent her from healing and get a chance to hit her 1-3 times)
Shadow(s) of Yharnam
3645 HP Sword Shadow, 2302 HP Sword+Candle Shadow, 2046 HP Mace+Fireball Shadow
Sword Shadow: 60 Arcane,
Sword+Candle Shadow: 60 Arcane,
Mace+Fireball Shadow: None
Sword Shadow: 68 Bolt, 89 Physical, 89 Blunt, 89 Thrust, 89 Blood, 90 Fire,
Sword+candle Shadow: 68 Bolt, 89 Physical, 89 Blunt, 89 Thrust, 89 Blood, 100 Fire,
Mace+Fireball Shadow: 89 Physical, 89 Blunt, 89 Thrust, 89 Blood, 90 Fire,
All Shadows: 180 Rapid Poison, 200 Slow Poison
Mace+Fireball: 160 Arcane, 160 Bolt
6404 HP
70 Arcane, 70 Fire, 70 Bolt,
128 Physical, 128 Thrust, 128 Blood,
153 Blunt, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Martyr Logarius
9081 HP
133 Physical, 133 Blunt, 133 Thrust, 133 Blood, 160 Fire, 180 Bolt,
290 Arcane, 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Rom, the Vacuous Spider
Rom is located in
Moonside Lake in Byrgenwerth
to access it, go to the bridge with Master Willem and jump off the edge (while singing Dream on)
5058 HP
Rom: 45 Bolt,
Children of Rom: 48 Bolt,
Rom: 72 Fire, 80 Arcane, 130 Physical, 130 Blunt, 130 Thrust,
Children of Rom: 62 Fire, 72 Fire, 91 Physical, 91 Blunt, 91 Thrust, 91 Blood,
Rom: 999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Children of Rom: 120 Slow Poison, 300 Rapid Poison
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare
5250 HP
124 Fire,
125 Bolt, 125 Thrust, 132 Rapid Poison, 134 Blunt, 144 Slow Poison,
169 Physical, 179 Blood, 232 Arcane
(note, in second phase, instead of chasing him to the last room and fighting him, you can chase him until he jumps off a balcony and then shoot at him with your left arm weapon)
Mergo's Wet Nurse
Mergo's Wet Nurse is located at the top of
Nightmare of Mensis
14081 HP
75 Arcane, 75 Fire, 75 Bolt, 180 Rapid Poison (its very easy to poison it)
148 Physical, 148 Thrust, 148 Blood,
177 Blunt, 250 Slow Poison
(note, when everything gets foggy, start running in circles across the entire arena, Mergo will start spawning clones that attack you so running in circles is the easiest way to dodge their attacks)
Gehrman, the First Hunter
Gehrman is located in Hunters Dream at the previously locked area after slaying Mergo's Wet Nurse, technically Gehrman is an optional fight even thought hes the final boss
14293 HP
65 Arcane, 65 Bolt,
70 Fire, 150 Physical, 150 Blunt, 150 Thrust, 150 Blood,
999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison
Moon Presence
Moon Presence is located at the same place where Gehrman is, and you fight it right after killing Gehrman ONLY if you completed all the needed requirements
8909 HP
75 Arcane, 75 Fire, 75 Bolt,
137 Physical, 137 Blunt, 137 Thrust,
999 Slow Poison, 999 Rapid Poison